Feliz Día de Gracias Everyone

Can’t seem to fall asleep as when I begin to get tired and hit the sack, INSOMNIA always sets in.  So I will write my first actual blog.  Though it won’t be about much, figured I’d talk about my Thanksgiving.  Had a great one like always, with tons of leftover food and drinks.  Every year we gather and everyone makes a dish amongst the siblings and you can always tell who’s dish was the least favorite, by how much was leftover.  Fortunately my dish had vanished into air allowing me to breathe easy knowing that everyone enjoyed it and didn’t toss it away into the dozen or so trash bags we had thrown out today.  Though there’s always the possibility that they didn’t want to hurt my feelings and quietly tossed whatever they couldn’t manage down their throats into the trash can, I would think my siblings would rather pounce on the chance to crush my self-esteem if given the SLIGHTEST opportunity.

But another year of feasting is over, and another few weeks of fasting before Christmas where I’ll stuff my face into oblivion.  Then comes new year, where my resolution will be the same as it has been the past 4 years, loss weight and live healthy (which we all know won’t happen because, let’s face it, we all love food too much….. especially free turkey that you didn’t have to cook yourself).  But I will say that this resolution every year has not always been a total failure, because though I have not lost weight as I had intended to, I have achieved healthy living.  But how is that so you ask, if gaining weight is the biggest enemy of healthy living?  Well, spending time with the family and enjoying each others company whilst having priceless moments for years to come makes the soul happy so I say, have I not achieved it?  This is not a YOLO moment either as that is one word I hate most in this world next to “finna” (who makes up this stuff anyways) but more of a “sit back and just enjoy life a little and worry less about how you look” kind of moment because those you care will not care about your physical appearance.  Life is about being around those who matter and making sure you are happy because though you may have a six-pack of abs and biceps larger than the jumbo turkey legs you get at Disney World in Florida (and yes these things are humongous!) if you have no one to share it with, then what have you gained?  Forget about what mainstream media has portrayed as “right” and do what makes you feel “good”.


It’s what keeps us human.  Now time to catch some shut-eye, and wake up to leftovers for breakfast…. best thing about Black Friday.